At Paul Quinn, we are looking for people who are willing to invest in the dream of a Quinnite Nation. People who understand the beauty of a WE over Me society and who think that where someone starts does not have to determine where they finish. If you are one of these people, we invite you to become an investor in the students and the work of Paul Quinn College.

If you would like to donate through Givelify then click here.

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We take precautions to protect your information. We collect credit card or bank account information, names, addresses, and other data related to your transaction when you make a payment through our site. We use this information to process your payment.

By submitting your payment, you authorize us to charge the account above for the amount specified in the Transaction Amount field. Account information for Recurring Pledges/Monthly Giving is encrypted and stored securely via SafeSave™ for automatic processing of your future payments. Notify us at any time if you wish to discontinue your pledge.

Tax-Deductible Donation Disclosure
Paul Quinn College is a 501(c)(3) organization. For federal income tax purposes, a portion of your gift may potentially be tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your gift. Please consult your tax advisor for the specific deductibility of this gift.

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